
Forget about hackers or thinking your IT staff being capable to defend your company, they are not! But we are, and we are here to help you define and implement an Ethical Hacking strategy, creating a perimeter that shields your company from attacks.

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Restore your data, after corporate attack, hackers and even ransomware.

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audit and reports

We make a dynamic evaluation of your cyber security risk on all your devices, cloud services and data, find vulnerability and misconfigurations of your network and current protection policy if any.

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software development

Customized programming in C++ and .Net, parallel programming of GPUs for artificial intelligence integration with big data for cloud microservices. Implementation of networks, servers, and virtual machines for Windows Server, Ubuntu, Fedora, and RedHat.  We architect and develop high frequency software with a layer of cybersecurity, to protect your systems from reverse engineering and attacks.

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About Us

Established in 2013

We are a group of experts in software development of cybersecurity tools, with a mission to protect our client’s digital assets against any cybersecurity attack, using military grade encryption, we secure your files, databases applications and systems from any hacker in the world!



Our founder, specialized in creating intellectual property for the banking and asset management industry, was attacked by a cyber-criminal nation state back in 2011, which led him to create a joint venture between a Finland and Israeli company, using proprietary technology patented in cryptography blockchain protocol, develop a vision to establish a cybersecurity firm, teaming up with Massachusetts Institute of Technology graduates that have embarked in a quest to protect us against cyberterrorist of all kinds.

Our Values


We strive to follow good practices in our corporate culture, one that reflects the accountability we impose on ourselves to protect our clients intellectual property and digital assets.


We seek mastery in our craft, using the best tools, best work processes in the job we deliver to our clients.


We take on the challenge, the time and commitment, so that our clients can rest at peace, knowing their digital assets are safe.


Unlike many cybersecurity companies, we are secretive. We do not disclose who our clients are, the advanced details of our technology, nor the methodologies we implement to protect your information, assets, and processes. We do not have anyone on LinkedIn, you will not find a blog about our product, and we do not advertise our highly confidential services on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. Only a few know our staff of scientists in digital security.



Ethical hacking

Using a strict confidentiality contract with stake holders and limiting scope of access, we engage in attacking your network in order to remove your vulnerability blindfold, we will issue a report telling you which doors & windows you have left open and are point of access to cyber criminals, even more so, we will explain to your IT personnel how to close them.

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Audit and Reports.

Overview of cyber vulnerabilities in your corporation in a dynamic all year long protection. Our Main reports will evaluate the status of your data in the cloud, allowing you to comply with ISO27002, and making sure your clients information is secure.

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Software Development.

Software development in C++ and .Net with GPUS and cloud microservices.

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Website E-commerce replication, virtual machines, and applications

To ensure the continuity of your business. Your website can be as complex as Amazon, or as simple as a single webpage make sure you are always in business, and have us take care of your e-commerce back up or cloud services that run 24/7. We bulletproof the resilience of your operations.

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TranQ Multinode.

Build or improve your data center. It allows you to create a cluster network topology where you can define your own hybrid clouds - a combination of private and public clouds with intranet and data redistribution in objects to manage massive amounts of petabytes in seconds!

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Cybersecurity Workflow


If your cybersecurity provider is not responsible for the backup & restore of your data, then is useless. It’s really critical to have a complete system that safeguards your backup, restore and keeps the cyber threads at bay dynamically, synchronizing your digital security 24/7.


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Cybersecurity Products

  • TranQ Professional
  • TranQ Corporate
  • TranQ Server
  • Squad
  • Passcrypt

See comparative table

These prices are subject to change. Please request a personalized quote via email or phone

The products are in Mexican pesos (MXN).