Using a strict confidentiality contract with stake holders and limiting scope of access, we engage in attacking your network in order to remove your vulnerability blindfold, we will issue a report telling you which doors & windows you have left open and are point of access to cyber criminals, even more so, we will explain to your IT personnel how to close them.
Overview of cyber vulnerabilities in your corporation in a dynamic all year long protection. Our Main reports will evaluate the status of your data in the cloud, allowing you to comply with ISO27002, and making sure your clients information is secure.
Software development in C++ and .Net with GPUS and cloud microservices.
To ensure the continuity of your business. Your website can be as complex as Amazon, or as simple as a single webpage make sure you are always in business, and have us take care of your e-commerce back up or cloud services that run 24/7. We bulletproof the resilience of your operations.
Build or improve your data center. It allows you to create a cluster network topology where you can define your own hybrid clouds - a combination of private and public clouds with intranet and data redistribution in objects to manage massive amounts of petabytes in seconds!