If your cybersecurity provider is not responsible for the backup & restore of your data, then is useless. It’s really critical to have a complete system that safeguards your backup, restore and keeps the cyber threads at bay dynamically, synchronizing your digital security 24/7.
No one outside your IT department should know that you use our products and services. By registering on our website, you will create an account, in which you can request the quote. To start, you need to fill out the questionnaire in the Cybersecurity menu, To better understand your network topology, the type of digital assets and systems you want to protect and look into your overall framework .By doing so, we will create an encrypted communication channel between us. When you enter our site, the initial communication will be safe from espionage. Once inside, you will fill out a form with the details we require to initiate your pentest request. Within 24 to 48 hours, you will receive a notice to learn all the details and particularities to be quoted.
Primarily we structure the scope, the spectrum of range and the goals you expect to achieve after the pentest is done. At this stage we talk directly with the directors, IT personnel, solicit specific info regarding the targets/ assets/ and process that you wish to protect.
Together we define the approach of your pentest, and the type of specific configurations we can offer to ensure your organization’s perimeter is blocked from international threads, including trusted employees, their level of access to databases, and specifically the IT gatekeepers. Therefore, is best if we know the global regions, they do business and the scope of your operations, including the type of information and services you exchange internally and externally.
After gathering information, we will analyze the details to propose a methodology and configuration in the attack that is specific to the needs listed by your organization, to guard you against malicious actors from sovereign state organizations. Along with this proposal, you will receive the quote. We will send you a link so you can sign the agreements, annexes, and make the payment.
Delivery of audit and report with an executive summary and details of your pentest.
3 weeks on average. After we finish your pentest, you will get a detailed report, explaining the major risk we found along explaining each vulnerability so your IT people can replicate it. And how they can fix or eliminate them.