

TranQ is the most advanced anti-ransomware, restore system in the world. With military-grade encryption, we safeguard your information from the moment it resides in your office.

Recover all installed applications, including information that may be subject to ransomware. TranQ will allow you to recover 100% of your computer, including specific files, databases, videos, photos, and software that was previously installed such as Excel, Adobe, Word, etc.



Multichannel encrypted communication between multidisciplinary groups, and people of interest, for your projects, joint ideas, and meetings, supported by AI. SquaD takes care of organizing, backing up, and intelligently synchronizing your communication, schedule, files, and sensitive data that never leaves your office, giving you the power of archiving, journaling and deleting at your discretion.

Secure your communication channel so that it does not leave your corporate network. Don't take risks by using emails and simplify the information you exchange with your colleagues in the office. 84% of emails are intercepted in a cyber attack. Keep your communication confidential and protect your flow of information against corporate espionage. Squad allows you to delete all messages sent to your users, so nobody else can view them later on, not even the recipient, even if your mobile is stolen, or hacked, our proprietary ciphering algorithm has your information and data secure even against quantum computing.

  • TranQ Professional
  • TranQ Corporate
  • TranQ Server
  • Squad
  • Passcrypt

See comparative table

These prices are subject to change. Please request a personalized quote via email or phone

The products are in Mexican pesos (MXN).
